International Youth Activity: Young Leaders for Change: Connecting through Dialogue

A three-city partnership project with Kyiv, Tel Aviv, and Berlin

Berlin, Germany,
: August 31, 2025 - September 18, 2025
Age: 18+
Language: English

Join the Change for Dialogue and Connection! 

Are you from Tel Aviv, Kyiv, or Berlin? Do you want to make a difference in your community and beyond?

Be a Young Leader for Change: Connecting through Dialogue!

In this project, young people from the partner cities Kyiv, Tel Aviv, and Berlin will be trained together as peer multipliers. They will be empowered to initiate activities that promote dialogue and contribute to peaceful, non-violent conflict resolution.

What to expect / benefits: 

  • Learn about conflict analysis and transformation and how to resolve conflicts peacefully and non-violently
  • Create and implement transformative workshops and activities in Berlin and your city
  • Connect with peer multiplier and bring positive change to your community
  • Gain experience in an international and multicultural team
  • Get insights into international projects and educational work
  • Participate in the city partnerships between Berlin, Tel Aviv, and Kyiv
  • Receive a certificate as a Young Leader for Change: Connecting through Dialogue (after completing the training and conducting at least three activities in your home city)
  • Receive support (from peers and coordination) in carrying out activities
  • Raise awareness of the socially relevant issue of peace and promoting social commitment and active participation in democratic life 
  • Engage in conflict prevention and post-conflict rehabilitation

Join us in this excellent opportunity to foster dialogue, democracy, and peace. Together, we can build a better future!

Participant´s profile: 

  • Age: 18-27
  • good at English (spoken and understanding)
  • Enjoy interacting with people
  • Relevant experience (e.g., group leadership, youth leadership, facilitation skills, confidence to lead, intercultural/international experience, conflict resolution, youth movements, activism)
  • Ready for commitment and willing to implement activities/projects in your city
  • Open and willing to work in multicultural and multi-religious settings and address conflicts

Program framework and conditions:

  • Participants: 7 participants from each city: Tel Aviv, Kyiv and Berlin
  • Arrival: August 31, 2025 in the afternoon
  • Departure: September 18, 2025, in the morning
  • Costs: International travel, accommodation, and catering during the training course in Berlin are organized and covered according to the flat rate of the ERASMUS + programme.
  • Accommodation: in youth hostels in shared bedrooms
  • Participation fee: There will be a small fee that differs from city to city. Tel Aviv: 150 Euro; Kyjiv: 50 Euro; Berlin: 50 Euro.
  • Preparatory meetings (June/July) in Tel Aviv, Kyiv, and Berlin
  • August 31 - September 14, 2025: Training course in Berlin, including the development of workshop content
  • September 15-17, 2025: Conducting workshops in Berlin youth facilities (e.g., schools) in groups of three. Accommodation in Berlin
  • End of September to December 2025: Implementation of one group activity and at least two activities in teams of two in your home city
  • End of September to December 2025: Peer-to-peer intervision online within the international group to support each other in implementation

How do I apply to this training? 

You need to be placed by the partner in your city (Kyiv, Tel Aviv or Berlin) and you should live in one of these cities or have a strong connection to this city.

For the application, please getin touch with your city partner organisation:

Germany (Berlin): ICJA Freiwilligenaustauschwelt 

Email: mtielemann(at)

Ukraine (Kyiv): Active Youth Stella 

Contact: info(at)

Israel (Tel Aviv): Israeli Volunteer Association  

Contact: moked(at)


Reimbursement of the travel expenses is calculated according to the flat rate of the ERASMUS + programme. We ask the participants to use sustainable means of transport (e.g. no plain/no single car ride = green travel).:

Distance travel grant

green travel grant

500 -1999 km


Max 309,-€ Max 417,-€
3 000 – 3999 km (Tel Aviv-Berlin) Max 580,- € Max 785,- €



Wir bedanken uns für die Förderung durch Erasmus+ und bei der Stadt Berlin.