International Training - Young Activists Performing Peace

Sievershausen / near Hannover / Germany

22.07.2025 - 29.07.2025
Age 18 +
Language: English  
Training on methodologies and peace education on civic work for youth workers, educators and youth leaders: A theatrical perspective from collective work for peace and solidarity in our lives.
We invite activists from different countries across Europe who are eager to learn, share experiences, and collaborate creatively to envision a more peaceful and inclusive future.

Welcome to our international training “Young Activists for Peace Challenging Borders”!
It offers you a great opportunity to connect with our biographies and bodies while sharing a space of empowerment and resilience.
Peace is essential to building sustainable social change that includes everyone. In these times, our role as youth leaders and educators is to foster commitment and resistance through creative and peaceful solutions that transform our communities from the collective.
Theatre becomes a space of resistance between different cultures—a space where borders are blurred, allowing for encounter and dialogue. It allows us to inform ourselves, to position ourselves, to express ourselves through protest and to sensitize audiences.
On this occasion, we will share theatrical tools to understand peace not as an individual act but as a collective action. Throughout the project, space will be given to diversity, solidarity, and mutual respect.

Here you have all the information about what awaits you in our sessions:

  • Let’s build a group through acting and an introduction to our topics. Let's talk about peace and build and work around the idea of community.
  • Biographical Theatre – Let’s share our biographies and identify through theatre tools what we have in common and with what kind of conflicts we are confronted.
  • Know more about Theatre of the Oppressed – How to identify privileges and disadvantages? Let’s talk about solutions!
  • Get moving with Corporal Expression – explore the connection between your body, conflicts, and peace.
  • Let’s create group projects – time to put everything you've learned and your ideas together.
  • Individual project – share with us how you will apply this new knowledge in your area.
  • The methodologies to be used in this workshop are those of AQUItheater Berlin. Learn more about their work at

About the trainers
We are happy to announce that again Lorena Valdenegro and Ale Acuña Alday will be our trainers:
Lorena Valdenegro is director, physical theater and dance theater actress and theater pedagogue. She holds a degree in performing arts from the Universidad del Desarrollo in Santiago de Chile. In 2016 she founded AQUItheater Berlin, a scenic experimentation laboratory that opens safe and creative spaces that promote empowerment and the acceptance and celebration of the body, as well as the visualization of topics that are taboo in our society.
Ale Acuña Alday is Chilean actress and migrant, Bachelor of Arts in Theater Performance from the Catholic University of Chile, with a specialization in body studies, and Diploma in Art Therapy Fundamentals. Her practice spans theater, dance, and performance. She focuses on artistic expressions that explore identity, territory, and bodily memory, particularly in the context of contemporary female experience.

Interested in being part of this experience? Great! There are a few things to keep in mind:

  • We're building a global community that celebrates diversity. If you're into peace, anti-discrimination, and resolving conflicts, you're in the right place!
  • You've got some experience in non-formal education or youth leadership? Perfect!
  • Ready to step out of your comfort zone? Awesome! We're all about working together with people who bring different experiences to the table.
  • This is a safe space – no room for violence or discrimination. Diversity wins, and everyone is welcome.
  • FLINTA-persons? Join us. Let's make the world a stage for everyone!

=> Apply now and become part of the international community working for peace and a world without discrimination!

Conditions for participation according to Erasmus + regulations

  •  Date of arrival: 22.07.25 – in the afternoon
  •  Date of departure: 29.07.25 – in the morning
  •  1-3 participants per organisation from following regions: EU-Europe, Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Mediterranean regions
  •  Age: 18+ (no upper limit)
  •  Working language: English; a good command of English is required
  •  Location: Sievershausen near Hannover / Germany
  •  Previous experience: you should have some experience in running non-formal youth learning or political education activities
  •  ICJA, as Hosting Organization of this offer, will organise the accommodation and cover the costs for accommodation and food
  •  We will provide an overview of conditions of participation
  •  Participation fee: we try to adjust the fee to the purchasing power in the different countries.
    => Fee for participants from Germany, West and North European countries: 50,-€
    => Fee for participants from South and East European countries: 25,-€

How to apply to this training? 

You need to be placed by a partner, who is working in your country of residence and you should live in one of this regions:  EU- Europe, Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Mediterian regions. Below you can see our partners in different countries and their contacts. If you do not find your country, please contact us and we will try to find a partner in your country.   Your contact at ICJA: youthexchange(at)

Reimbursement of the travel expenses is calculated according to the flat rate of the ERASMUS + programme. We ask the participants to use sustainable means of transport. Check the distance from your hometown to the venue (Lehrte -Sievershausen) with this tool and see the potential reimbursement in the table below:

Distance Grant /pax Grant with green travel / pax
10-99 km Max 28,- € Max 56,- €
100-499 km Max 211,- € Max 285,-€
500 -1999 km Max 309,-€ Max 417,-€
2 000 – 2999 km Max 395,- € Max 535,- €

Overview of our partners so far:

Armenia Progress programs.pyngo(at)
Estonia ESTYES estyes(at)
Georgia Civil Forum civilforumorg(at)
Germany ICJA youthexchange(at)
Greece ELIX youth(at)
Italy JOINT exchanges(at)
Palestine IPYL adaana(@)
Serbia Young Researchers of Serbia vss(at)
Turkey PIYA contact.person(at)
Ukraine STELLA info(at)

Wir bedanken uns für die Förderung durch Erasmus+